Training Sessions

Fit for the airport industry

The airport industry holds great potential. Thanks to a wealth of new technologies the industry is changing rapidly and due to its international nature gaining access to the market often poses a particular challenge. Therefore GATE provides trainings and seminarsto its members to profit from the opportunities and successfully work around any problems that may arise. The upcoming dates can be found on website of the association. The training courses can also be booked as inhouse trainings individually tailored to your needs.

Certified GATE Training Sessions

New member orientation

In order to enable everyone who joined us in the GATE community very recently a smooth start into the procedures of our association you are welcome to join our new member orientation.


Everything from exhibition participation, usage of the GATE App, how to participate in working groups, our GATE future conference and the innovation platform InnoAirport will be explained and all your questions answered.


If you are a new member company or you are newly in charge in your company of making us of the benefits of the GATE membership you are welcome to join.


The new member orientation will be held twice a year via Teams meeting and lasts 120 minutes.


New member orientation

Project Management Training

Looking for project management training with practical relevance in the airport industry is just not easy. How can a training personalised to your specific company’s needs benefit you?


How can you make sure that the trainees really implement elements of a training?.


“In my last PM training they gave me a watercolour set, this training showed me how to paint with it” ...;


If you would like to have that, here’s your chance!;

GATE Working Groups – Brainstorming

Onboarding course "Airport industry" - Terminal

Onboarding course "Airport industry"

How will global aviation and the airport industry develop? How is the industry organized? Who are the players? What are the relevant trends and what do the decision making processes look like? This beginner's seminar provides an A-Z guide to the industry.

B2B-Sales 4.0

Which digital tools help identifying and qualifying leads? How does social selling work in international sales? And how storytelling can be beneficial in the buying center.


Everything you need to know to make selling to modern customers easier. The required equipment is not that complicated. This training is aimed at everyone, who is eager to take new directions in sales.

GATE Working Groups – Brainstorming

Logistics power at airports

Logistics power

Efficient logistics solutions increasingly become the critical success factor in customer care and acquisition. What effect has the structural change on global logistics? What are the prevailing trends and which tools are available?

Would you like to know more?